Monday, June 29, 2009

recently, my life has had nothing of note

but together, there is almost enough stuff to write a blog about
a week ago i cut my finger open, and today is the first time i'm trying to type normally again since then. and its not going good. i've made about twelve typo's in this part so far.

i played mandolin on sunday, and it went pretty good. i only made a few mistakes ( which is pretty cool sinc e i usually mess up once every other song on Guitar, which i Know how to play...) but i kept it simple, and played the same two chord shapes all day. after the service a lady i've never seen before came up and complimented me on my mandolin playing. her compliment was " i really like the diversity. you sounded awesome. just about as good as you did on guitar last week"

my first impression of this comment was a sincere thankful attitude, and an apprecation of her positive feed back. about two and a half seconds later, i thought of two thigns. the first was if she had heard me play before last week. if she hasn't, then really she's basing my mandolin playing on last week, and i played some pretty weird stuff last week. ( a few points where is sounded like i was a shredder on guitar, and i'm not) if she has heard me play guitar multiple weeks, and i've never seen her before, that means she didn't like it as much, cause she hasn't ever come up on stage to say anything, thus i don;t recognize her. then the other thought hit me.
is this a compliment to my mandolin skills, or a major diss to my guitar skills? cause i've now been "playing mandolin" for ten days. i've been playing guitar for 7 or 8 years. andreally anyone with three fingers on their left hand, two on their right, and a sense of rythm could play the stuff i played, so maybe she just undervalues my guitar playing.
oh well, i guess i'll just take it as a compliment and move on

today i went to pick lauren up from the air port, and on the way back i realized i am really stiff. but not the cool stiff where its like " oh! yesterday was so awesome cause i rock climbed!" but more like "i need to be less of a slug, cause my muscles have atrophied. and i get this whole week off, so now i'm going to be really lazy. :(
anyone want to go climbing?

oh, and i'm writing a song, but i'm writing at about one line per week, so don;t expect it to be done. ever.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

i'm a hopeless rambler.

sorry, i just need to type something.

it is 11:06 PM and i am tired. but i want to write. not much has happened since last time i blogged, and yet, i forget when i blogged last. let me check. okay. i bought an amp, then liked a song. that's the last you have heard from me.

so here's whats new. in the past seven days i have gone climbing four times, and done better each time. which is new for me. i usually get sore from climbing and can't climb well for two or three days. i think i'm finally seeing some muscle build 0 or at least tone up, not necessarily build in size, but in strength)

today was the youth group yard sale, i brought home a few things. i got a hat. its one of those ones with the ear flaps, but its made out of sheep skin, and its so fuzzy i feel cold when i pick it up, just so i can like that i feel warm when i put it on. i alos bought some bear foot shaped house slippers. they are amazing. they do need to be cleaned, so i can't wear them yet, but soon i will be stomping around like smokey. i also got a hand painted chess set which is made to be the incas or aztecs( not sure which) vs. the conquistadores. SO awesome, and indie. and i got a brass sailboat model that is currently at church sitting on my amp. i thin its cause i want each set i play to be like a voyage.
aside from the yard sale, it was also a work day at church. which means i am exhausted.
last night i could not sleep. see i went climbing last saturday, monday, tuesday, and thursday. wednesdaay was youth group, and i ran around a middle school playing capture the flag. and sunday i played on the band ( which is way more tiring than anyone ever wats to admit) but friday i did something different. i watched tv. all day. actually, i played mandolin for like six hours, but still, nothing active. so last night i had WAY too much energy. i spent four hours last night in bed thinking about climbing. all that is to say this: when i don't climb, i loose sleep thinking about the next time i climb. that sentence makes me happy.

okay, so tomorrow is a sunday again, which means its kind of a big deal. so good night, i pray you sleep well, but that at some time God talks to you and doesn't let you sleep until you listen.

its 11:26 and i'm still tired, and i just wasted 20 minutes writing a stupid blog that means nothing.

Monday, June 8, 2009

new favorite song

you bring by hillsong united. my new favorite song. musically its awesome. the guitar parts chime and sparkle, the bass parts flood your chest cavity, and the drums become the beat that drives your heart.

but lyrically its confusing. and in the confusing parts you have to thin. and in that, its even better than the music side.

my favorite part ofthe song:

first verse, first half.

"Oh You bring hope to the hopeless
And light to those in the darkness
And death to life
Now Im alive "
you bring death to life now i'm alive. at first i thought of it the same way he says the light to dark and hope to hopeless. where it seemed like he was saying christ brings death with him and puts it in where life (AKA deathless-ness) used to be, the same way he brings hope with him and puts it where hopelessness and despair used to be. the same way he takes light and puts it in where dark used to be (AKA light-lessness) in that case he Must be talking about chirsts death, and then immediately he talks about being alive himself. which is pretty cool. to state it that way. to point out it is a good and amazing thing that christ brings hope and light to those without, then brings his own death out of love.

but lyrically that doesn't work. cause the beauty is not from Christs death. its from his ressurection. without the resurrection Christianity loses its point. the good teacher, the morale man, the rabbi is a bad teacher whose students made up a story of him coming back to life, the morale man a liar, and the rabbi simply denied by the jews if we take away Christs power, and thus his ressurection.
and besides, the pattern of the song is about bringing bad things into a better state of existance. the hopeless have hope. the ones in the dark have light. so the ones in life cannot be given death and told it is good.
rather, jesus brings hope with him and gives it to the hopeless. he brings light and shines it in the dark places. and by doing those tings he takes the dead. he takes us. he takes death itself and brings it into life.
if death is simply the lack of life for something that should be alive, and you bring it to life, you make a bad thing better.

he goes and grabs death and brings it to life, then we are alive.

if you could see my facial expressions and hear the way i want this to be emphasized (from every rooftop in every city in the world. and on the barn roofs between the cities too)you would see that blog words will never do justice to the vast expanse that is how AMAZING our God is and how much i am in awe of it ( the first part you can tell even without hearing/reading what i have to say/write about this song, but the part where i am in awe is the important part.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Money! Music!

yesterday i went to best buy. see, all best buys now sell a few guitars. they all sell the fender starcaster and the gibson maestro. basically, if the best company in the world made the worst guitar they could, thats what guitar best buy sells. they come for 150 with an amp, cable, and case. the most valuable part of the whole deal is honestly the gig bag.

but santa rosa best buy goes WAY beyond. they sell good stuff. no. really, they sell GOOD STUFF. they sell amps that cost over 1000 dollars on reputable websites, for the same price as the reputable websites sell them for. and the same with guitars. so my brother told me they sold vox and fender amps, and i happen to need an amp, and like both vox and fender stuff. so i went in yesterday just to see what they had. i walk in, find the amps, and look at the vox shelf. there it is. the vox AC15. my dream amp ( well the cheapest of my three dream amps) then i look at the price tag, and it reads "$759.87" and i think to myself "well thats a rip off musicians friend sells it for 599.99" but i figure, hey, its best buy, they don;t usually sell good stuff. so i look at the amp to see if its plugged in, because i still want to play it. i look over at the guitar rack and find the guitar i want to use, then i realize, this is not the ac15. it is not the cheapest of my dream amps for 150 over the list price. it is in fact the AC30. and amp that is twice as loud, and twice as beautiful that usually costs 1299.99. it is the second of my dream amps for less than two thirds the minimum sale price on musicians friend.
so i ask the guy for a cable cause i want to play the amp. he grabs one and walks over to get me set up. i tell him about the ac15 dream and how this is just as cool.
he says he'll look it up cause it sounds like something they would carry.
i start jamming on the guitar
he comes back and tells me that they do not carry any more vox high end amps right now because they need to sell the floor model of the ac30 first since it's last years model. so they are selling it for 607.83. which is what they bought it for from the manufacturer. i almost peed my pants

my dream amp. my dream amp the nicer one. my nicer dream amp for the price i would pay for the not quite as nice one. and i have 200 dollars less than that to my name.
oh what a shame

praise God. today was pay day. i now own a vox AC30. and its amazing. you should be jealous.
granted it is on the loud side, but even at low volumes it sounds better than the amp i was using. today is a good day.

i am no longer an electric guitarist who has half an amp. i am now an electric guitarist who has an amp and a half.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


lately i have been thinking about this whole idea of baby names (i think because one of the couples at church named their son Andrew)and for some reason today while i was showering i was thinking of the significance of names.

my name is Andrew Jonathan Ratiani.

Andrew means Man. its the greek version. the hebrew version is Adam. adam kalanquin and i are pretty similar. the thing is that the greek version from which we derive andrew has more of a warrior sense to it. i'm slightly more violent that adam is.

most people i know really fit their names, or have some connection. lauren means by the bay, or laurel plant. my dad used to sail. alot. joshua means "yahweh is salvation" or "the lord saves." and he is a pastor, son of a pastor and brother of a future pastor. josh's father inlaw, doug swinburne is not only a pastor himself, but also has a brother,nephew, three son inlaws (including josh) and a fatherin-law who are all pastors. pastors typically preach that God saves...
there are others i could mention but not all of them are nice...

so i want to think about what i want my kids to be named. i got in the shower and decided i had though enough about baby names. then i started thinking about how i was named. there is a reason my parent chose my name, but theres a littel short story first.

see, i'm the fourth child my mother gave birth to, and i'm one of her three children. there was Joshua Daniel (named after the old testament characters) then Lauren Michelle ( i'm not sure why they chose Lauren, but i think Michelle had to do with it being the female version of Michael, the angel, but don't quote me on that) then there was the third.
his name was David Andrew Ratiani. my mother went into labor at around the five month mark, and he didn't survive. my parents chose to name him David because they wanted him to be a man after God's own heart. the Andrew part was chosen to be his first name by my siblings, but my parents still went with David. Andrew was chosen after the disciple.

when they had me they named me Andrew because that was his middle name. my middle name is Jonathan because Jonathan was David best friend in the bible.

i'm named in memory of him.

at first when i found this out i thought "okay, that's kinda cool to know why they chose that"

lately i have been thinking about this whole idea of baby names (i think because one of the couples at church named their son Andrew) and i decided to name my first son David. now freshman year the first roommate i met was David yang, and he was a great guy. sophomore year i roomed with D-Rush, whose real name is David (even though no one calls him that but his girlfriend) but neither of them are the reason. if they both were named Josh, my first born son's potential name would not be josh, even though my brother's name is josh.

David and the hebrew word for beloved (which, when written with English letters,is Yedid, and what i want to get tattooed on my wrist) come from the same word, but thats only a small part

David was a man after God's own heart. he screwed up, and made horrible mistakes, but he still feared the lord more than he feared man, and God told his descendants way down the lineage that He was sparing their lives because of David. i want that for my kids (when i have them)

then i got thinking about a middle name for the aforementioned kid named David. so far i'm thinking either some old testament prophet, or Adam. probably something biblical though.
although i might pull out an old family tradition from my fathers mother's side and make his middle name Gordon.

i also figured out a good girls name that i really like, but i forget what it was.

(edit): i remembered the girls name. Hannah. she was the mother of sammuel, and even after praying for something for so long she finally had a son, and gave him to God. i think thats a cool thing. also all the people i know named hannah are cool people. plus hannah and Ratiani don't clash.

with my last name i can't do anything ending in an "ee' sound. rhyming with my last name is no good.
neither is a name that starts or ends with an R. so Hannah and David both work.

Blogging on the clock.

i'm by myself in the office right now. listening to hillsong at a level i'm probably not supposed to. i just got busted by a coworker for having my laptop on my desk. i do that because tey used to not ahve a problem with me being on facebook if i used my own computer. turns out now i can't have a laptop out. its "unproffesional." so my laptop was out. cause i wasn't here for ther past 8 montsh and don't know the new rules. i thougt i was being smart because i was leaving the camp computer open for camp stuff. oh well. so aynyways, i was breaking four rules when i thought i was just bending one.

and the stupid phones just broke,

and we're out of calling cards. and all the kids want to call mommy. :(

and so far office has beenridiculous. i work here at camp so i can have fun, always be active and not have to deal with too many guest com[plaints (aside from "i can't do it!" when really they can go off a zipline). today has been alot of complaints, things going wrong, stuff i don't know the answers to, and alot of crazy hectic stuff. and i'm just sitting here in a chair, doing nothing, i hate working office.

but i still smile when the guests walk in. cause its my job.

i'm listening to hold me now by hillsong united. i love this song. theres a part in the chorus that goes
no weaping
no hurt or pain
no suffering
you hold me now
you hold me now

no darkness
no sick or lame
no hiding
you hold me now,
you hold me now

josh pointed out the fact that it says no sick or lame and it could sound like the sick and lame people in heaven

and thats clearly not the case. cause god loves people no matter what. thats called unconditional love. so what the song must mean is that there won't be any sickNESS or LameNESS(is that a word?) in heaven, cause the sick and lame will be healed. i like the way they use sick and lame to mean the sickness and the paralysis, not the people. they are not defined by their disabilities. the diusabilities are jsut a part of how they are now, not who they are. on that grounds i like it.