Thursday, June 4, 2009

Money! Music!

yesterday i went to best buy. see, all best buys now sell a few guitars. they all sell the fender starcaster and the gibson maestro. basically, if the best company in the world made the worst guitar they could, thats what guitar best buy sells. they come for 150 with an amp, cable, and case. the most valuable part of the whole deal is honestly the gig bag.

but santa rosa best buy goes WAY beyond. they sell good stuff. no. really, they sell GOOD STUFF. they sell amps that cost over 1000 dollars on reputable websites, for the same price as the reputable websites sell them for. and the same with guitars. so my brother told me they sold vox and fender amps, and i happen to need an amp, and like both vox and fender stuff. so i went in yesterday just to see what they had. i walk in, find the amps, and look at the vox shelf. there it is. the vox AC15. my dream amp ( well the cheapest of my three dream amps) then i look at the price tag, and it reads "$759.87" and i think to myself "well thats a rip off musicians friend sells it for 599.99" but i figure, hey, its best buy, they don;t usually sell good stuff. so i look at the amp to see if its plugged in, because i still want to play it. i look over at the guitar rack and find the guitar i want to use, then i realize, this is not the ac15. it is not the cheapest of my dream amps for 150 over the list price. it is in fact the AC30. and amp that is twice as loud, and twice as beautiful that usually costs 1299.99. it is the second of my dream amps for less than two thirds the minimum sale price on musicians friend.
so i ask the guy for a cable cause i want to play the amp. he grabs one and walks over to get me set up. i tell him about the ac15 dream and how this is just as cool.
he says he'll look it up cause it sounds like something they would carry.
i start jamming on the guitar
he comes back and tells me that they do not carry any more vox high end amps right now because they need to sell the floor model of the ac30 first since it's last years model. so they are selling it for 607.83. which is what they bought it for from the manufacturer. i almost peed my pants

my dream amp. my dream amp the nicer one. my nicer dream amp for the price i would pay for the not quite as nice one. and i have 200 dollars less than that to my name.
oh what a shame

praise God. today was pay day. i now own a vox AC30. and its amazing. you should be jealous.
granted it is on the loud side, but even at low volumes it sounds better than the amp i was using. today is a good day.

i am no longer an electric guitarist who has half an amp. i am now an electric guitarist who has an amp and a half.

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