Saturday, July 18, 2009

fiddler on the roof

i just watched the fiddler on the roof with my family.
i love that movie. now, to start, the chracters are mostly jewish, so i do have some disagreements with them theologically, like i believe jesus Is the messiah, and they talk about still waiting for him. the weird thing is that i LOVED the theological ideas behind alot of things.
first off, the dialouge. when the jews are being kicked out of their town because they are jewish, one of them (the name escapes me right now, but he was the son inlaw, and the tailor) turns to the rabbi and says "rabbi, we have waited here so long for the messiah, wouldn't now be a good time for him to come back?" the rabbi repsons " we'll wait somewhere else." i love the line. it reminds me that no matter where we are Christ is there.
when the main character ( whose name i cannot spell, so won't even try) is deciding if he should abandon his daughter for marrying a gentile, or abandon his faith, he says "if i bend it (his core beleifs) i will break" granted i do not think we still need to disown people for interreligious marriages because christ told us to love, but the statement that he would break if his faith were forgotten is such an amazing statement.

the best part of the movie to me, that trumps all other parts, is how he prays. at one point he glimpses up at God with a look of confusion. it is as he is about to tell his wife that he is letting their daughter marry the tailor instead of the rich butcher. he looks at God with a face that just says" can i get a little help?" the way the character interacts with God inspires me. don't get me wrong, God is almighty and he deserves to be revered, but also he loves us. he wants us to feel comfortable in his arms. when i was a little kid and my dad held me i could turn and look at him in a face that said i loved him. i didn't need to say it, and i definitely didn't need to say " dear father. you are my father, and i love you. you and my mother made me, and you have raised me. thank you" i just had to look. he knew. i think we should be that way with God sometimes too. i want to be that way with God alot more than i am. to be so close with God that talking to him is almost casual.
also, he goes between talking to God and talking to himself in an instant. when his daughters ask him for his permission to marry, they suddenly are far off in the back ground to show that the talking he is doing is between him adn God, and not actually out loud. but half of the time he is saying things that sound like they should be between him and God, but the other half of the time he is saying things taht sound like simple reasoning. when he says "on the other hand..." the twenty time she says it, its just his mind measuring the pro's and cons. i think prayer and thought are linked. i want praying to be as casual as thinking. i want thought to be involved in prayer. i'm tired of people not thinking while they pray, and not praying while they think.

if you don't know what i mean watch the movie fiddler on the roof and pay attention to how he prays. it might change your life. like seriously, it might.

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