Wednesday, March 25, 2009

25 bits of random

25 random facts. in the order i think of them
1.i like cheese. preferably cheddar. medium sharp. from safeway actually.
2.i can balance a sharpie on its tip on my finger. i once went for a minute. my physics teacher said i was a physical anomaly.
3.i weighed 167.5 pounds when i woke up. i ate four waffles, and drank a glass of milk. now i weigh 166. apparently my waffles weigh -1.5 pounds.
4. i'm going to be an RA next year, and my initials ar AR. i want my name tag to just say R.A.A.R. so it reads "RAAR!" and it should be dinosaur shaped.
5.i climb rocks and every stone chimney i have seen in the past few years has turned into a climbing problem in my mind. i guess you could say i have a climbing problem
6.i love puns
7.i suck at making puns.
8.but i still try
9.i love making list blogs.
10.earliest memory=january 1st 1990. i dropped a sparkler on my foot. i was wearing slippers ( AKA flip flops for you non- hawaiians) and i dropped it on my right foot. i still have the scar.
11.i once was stepped on by a guy with an ice skate
12.i was born in hawaii. ( this one took the polace of another one, because i decided not to share that. its not so much me, but about others. so meh. and everyone knows i'm from hawaii anyways. but its still cool)
13.i have a 10.5 inch foot, and 10 inch climbing shoes.
14.i still have a teddy bear from when i was one. his name is teddy. he's ina box in the garage.
15.i have only ever shot two guns, and one of them is 100 years old
16.i love sushi
17.i think leggings over certain sizes should definitely be treated like tights, and be required to have shorts or a skirt worn over them. actually, make that all sizes.
18.i used to count my steps. i had OCD as a child.
19.i had ADD as a child. it was a weird combo that i'm 20 i use the term " teenager" as a borderline derogatory term. year i turn 21 along with two other friends of mine on the same day. we are all RA's, and thus we will not be getting drunk. not until break, when its allowed
22.when driving to church, i carry more money in guitar stuff in my car than my car is worth itself.
23.i own five nalgene bottles, a camel back bottle, three hydration bladders and a SIGG aluminum bottle. i like to over hydrate. sister is cooler than yours. my brother is cooler than yours, and my sister in law is also cooler than yours. (for other things i have cooler than yours, see also,"parents")
25.i have flipped a quad. ( fun story, not fun experience)


  1. HAHAHAHHAHAHA!! Oh my gosh, Andrew...
    Okay, #4 I almost died of laughter.
    And puns ARE great; so is sushi.
    And I'm pretty sure, according to that definition, I was OCD as a child, too.

  2. about #3--did you take bladder density into account?

    ...#6--i'm REAL punny. ask aubrey.

    ...#23--better "over" than.."de"(???)

    ...#24--i absolutely agree, your sister-in-law is WAY cooler than mine...

    k. awesome list blog.

  3. there are only two people i the world who will have a better sister-in-law than i do. and that is my brother and sister, but not until i get married. yes julie, thats a challenge.
    and yes jenna, i took bladder density into account. and clothing even. i wore the ssame clothes, just the scale is crazy.
