Tuesday, March 17, 2009

nitelife part two.

so here's the video. kinda lame quality,. but i think it was shot on a still camera, so not bad. check it out.

and after the song there was another part where i went into " i just want to be like him. i just want to be... D-Rush" after he left the stage, but its not in there.

oh, and phil wickham played a concert the next night. this is one of the songs. he hits a High F. ridiculous. i have a pretty good range (considering i'm a barritone) but he goes about an octave out of my range. as in the thirteenth fret on the high e string of a guitar. not even kidding. check it out

1 comment:

  1. nite life was way funny...

    phil wickham blew my mind...

    and thanks for the comment you posted on my last blog. i am praying for his continued mountain-making of you.
