Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i just wrote my first 2000+ word paper in college. 2067 words on demon possession. my starter topic was " Can Christians be Demon possessed or Oppressed and what is the difference?" and yes, i know demon possessed isn't in the original texts in greek, but the word trinity isn't either, so clearly we can expand them farther. either way i end with saying the best thing to do if you meet/ know some one who is being influenced by a demonic force on any level, is to pray for them. and then act on what God says. if he says nothing yet, keep praying. if he says cast it out, get off your butt and do it. i might post the paper later, but i want to see how good of a grade i get. i would hate to post something and then find out i wrote something completely heretical. and i have a professor who soon will be acting as my publisher and editor, so i guess i'll wait to share my insights with the world.

oh, and i get to go home day after tomorrow. :) sleep in a good bed. good food made with love, not mutual resentment, and no pingpong up til 10 pm on weekdays and 12 on weekends. i can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. HAH! the "mutual resentment" part of this blog is one of my (if not THE) all-time favorite things you've ever said.
