Friday, March 27, 2009


i finally did something! for the first time since break started i feel productive!

God has been showing me so much lately. he as been talking to me every night as i fall asleep. or rather whenever i think i will, he keeps me up for an hour talking to me. the weird thing is that lately i have been talking back. whether in my head or in a whisper, it has been more of conversational talk than your typical " dearest Lord. please help" i have finally come to the point where i can easily talk with God like i talk to my father. still respectfully and loving. but at the same time, i have become comfortable. i can joke around with God. and at first i felt mildly hypocritical, and heretical for using sarcasm with God. see, cause sarcasm gets us in trouble. i say "well i realized my foot was caught in a meat grinder, and that's just SO comfortable." you know i am kidding. but some things are less clearly communicated. last night God told me its okay, cause he knows every thing. and so you cannot miscommunicate with God. he knows what you mean. if you earnestly say something to God out of love and respect with some playful sarcasm, you have nothing to worry about, cause he knows you are kidding. cause he knows everything.

its weird, but thats what i've been realizing. if God made me witty ( which is a way better word than sarcastic) then to not use my wit would be to not use something he gave me. it would be denying who i am, and thats not good. also, if God made me witty then seeing as i am created in God's image, there must be some part of God that is witty as well.

but i do have to keep my wittiness in check. don't worry, i know that much.

*Corralary: do not use that to have a sassy tone with God. you'll notice i said loving and respectful. i could also have said reverent attitude. so don't go saying things like " i love you God" with a sarcastic attitude. that's called mocking God. also known as "not a good idea" he made the earth, and designed hell, so he has alot of power.

well thats all for now. i might go write more later. we'll see.
go in peace to love and serve the lord.


  1. and to those who disagree, i submit that God has a sense of humor. i would like to call to the stand my first witness, the duck-billed platypus.

  2. my motto is "it's fine if it's funny."
    it's an awful motto. completely untrue. i don't recommend it to anyone.

    ...but it's funny.

    i'm sure God knows i'm joking ;). your theory, however, seems far less irresponsible and a bit more reverent...

    thank you, andrew, for keeping me in check ;)
